Winter Session, SDSU Global Campus


Branding Case Studies - Webpage Redesign


The team initially thought of page limitations because of the web theme. This required testing different design concepts and code (HTML/CSS) modifications, thus creating new page layout options! Web accessibility was also brought in during ideation and guided the web design to include: font weight & size, proximity, rhythm, and hierarchy.

Our initial hi-fi mockups went through 2-3 rounds with the team and stakeholders. We also have a second "test" site where a lot of the main copy is approved and where functionality is proposed.


To redesign the webpage, that is using an obsolete theme, to a more favorable page layout to accommodate "walls of content" and course details.

Goal: To increase enrollment of SDSU students needing additional classes during the Winter Session.


1,063 enrolled! Surpassing the previous year of 890 (2022). Collaborative discussions opened the idea of treating this program page like a "landing page", wherein the lead gen. form was placed in the banner hero section. Purpose of doing this served in two ways:

  1. Earning the trust of users (students) regardless whether or not we generated leads.
  2. This sets up for the content (organized in a meaningful way) that allows students to readily understand what's available.

Thus, more students are registering year over year due to the ease of user-experience.

Additional Pages

This program consisted of two pages, each with 2-tabs to toggle between information, and one landing page.

Looking Forward

I found working within a web theme required taking "calculated risks". Normally where we're usually "stuck" with using the web theme, I was able to convince other team members that there is another way to layout the page content. During a 1-on-1 mentor session with a graphic design student, I explained that having coding skills come in handy especially when we want to implement our mockup designs. It adds value and offers others a different way of looking at the problem because we're no longer limiting ourselves when it comes to solutions.